eVotionals exhorts those who pray. It's the glass of water held out
around each month's turn for the runners who can use a quick and easy
quench in order to finish strong.
Approx. reading time: 7 minutes
When I think about telling my God-story I am reminded of the chorus of a hymn I use to sing as a child:
"I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love."
Story Telling Passion
just got a call from my son, Fosi. It's lunch time at school and he
was still hungry after eating, a quick reminder of a snack I packed
solved the problem. Right before hanging up he said, "This is Fosi's
evil twin and Fosi is absent from school. Ok? Goodbye." At age ten
his love for creating stories and living them out invades every
years my son has been interested in story telling. In my 2011
Christmas letter I wrote, "He also writes his own books, his favorite
story-telling creations are a series called, "Golden Soot" where the
characters are animals." In my 2012 Christmas letter I wrote, "Being a
creative boy that loves to make stories and draw pictures, Fosi finds
ways to develop his Golden Soot series and map out his character's
journeys." In 2013 I wrote, "His love for creating stories and making
books was enhanced this year as he drew from his Disneyland
experiences." By the end of that year Fosi had created a company name,
movies, TV series, books, theme parks and more.
summers ago Fosi asked me to help him write and film his movie. We
started on a script and then stopped short. Last summer he had the idea
of doing a film camp where we could do scenes from his movie and his
sister, who loves to act, could be in it. It never happened. The
disappointment of two summers without a film project started to weigh
heavy on his heart. I did not want him to lose that drive, that
ambition and vision. I decided that I would do something to aid him in
learning how to tell his stories by buying annual passes to the giant of
movie-making theme parks, Universal Studios in Hollywood.
Universal Studios has increased Fosi's drive to make his ideas come to
life, now he has vision like never before. "I want to film all of my
CrazyBopBoom movies on the Universal back lot, including the Golden Soot
series!" As the tram toured the sets I could see the stories running
wild in his head.
passion to make something inside him come alive makes me think about
our own God stories. Each of us have them in there, waiting to come
missed organizing a film camp for my son. Why let anymore
opportunities slip by? We should be getting annual passes that lights a
passion to tell our God-story.
Story Telling Action |
A great example of someone living out their God-story is the talented writer Marshal Younger.
In these films, Marshal Younger helps present a clear God-story for
his audience. One that moves them to live a worthy life and to make
good strong choices. He has clearly used his gifting to set others on a
path of right choices.
Perhaps the most intriguing example of Mr. Younger's commitment to
telling the story comes from a recent script I read of his. Unlike the
movies cited, the script was not labeled Christian. Nobody gets saved
and Jesus isn't even mentioned. So why do I see it as an intriguing
Not only was it entertaining, made me laugh out loud and allowed me
to think about the humor in my own daily life as a mom, what I enjoyed
the most was how the convictions if what he believes were not
compromised. It even highlighted the very real conflicts we face when
we strive to live lives of high moral value and presented an honest
God-honoring resolve. Marshal Younger told a story with great
conviction and honesty which ultimately adds to God's story.
"Now I'm glad- not that you were upset, but that you were jarred
into turning things around. You let the distress bring you to God, not
drive you from him. The result was all gain, no loss."
2 Corinthians 7:9 (The Message)
In a world bent on selfishness and egos, all of us face the
temptations to conform. To build a "golden calf" and create our own
"festivals" out of fear of what might be done or said against us.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve
what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:2
In Marshal Younger's script proposal he wrote, "At times, we will
be uncomfortable in our faith and in our family life. We are compelled
to make the uncomfortable choice, because it will lead us to gain."
Love to Tell The Story
recently watched an interview with James Denton, known for his role on
Desperate Housewives, after his second roll in a Christian film. He
explained that he was attracted to the character, adding that it was a
coincidence that he had done two in a row.
In his interview Mr. Denton said, "I'm always very private about what I believe."
he was compelled to do these films when he was approached with
something that spoke to him. He explained why and how the two roles
attracted him. The first family film was about a father and daughter
that he wanted his kids to see. The other gave Mr. Denton the
opportunity to play the dynamics of a "bad guy". He also talked about
another film he would be doing with the same film makers.
love to post publicly on social media the meals we just made, who we
are engaged to, the latest accomplishments made, how we are spending our
Friday night and so much more. It is in our nature to tell our stories
in some way or another. I believe that God provides us with compelling
opportunities to honor and trust Him by telling our God-story. When
that means stepping out of our comfort zone, God's love and purpose will
replace the fear and uncertainty.
Denton was invited to be a part of God's story and he said yes, even
when it opened doors for public (and possibly uncomfortable)
conversations about his faith. Marshal younger said yes as well. He
honors God in his story telling, with opportunities to have an affect on
a wide range of audience members. The story of what God has done and
is doing; the story of hope and freedom can be the most compelling thing
we want to share. Like my son, I want to have passion and a desire to
talk about my God-Story. With it on the front of my mind, I want the
story to invade my every conversation; I want to be ready to take action
when given the chance. I want a genuine love to tell the story.
the Lord that He values us greatly as His children, and helps us
overcome any fears in our lives. Our "story-telling" can oozes out from
the choices we make and how the positions, gifts and talents given to us
are handled. Let's not miss that every day we are given opportunities
to tell His story, even when we are working on something that is not
labeled "Christian." From our first "good morning" to our evening
"nighty nights."
Let's love to tell the story!
"I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love."
Dear Lord,
According to the way you have created us, bring out that passion
again. May we consider our story with You the most relevant, compelling
and life changing post ever. May we not give up, but find new and fun
ways to keep that inspiration going. May we not get distracted or let
our fears become irrational phobias. Because our time is limited, may we
consider who we are in Christ the main course and not just a side
iPray that we will long to tell the story, and that we WILL tell the story.
In Jesus name iPray, amen
ALL for Him, Michelle

Michelle Fozounmayeh
Michelle Fozounmayeh
joy filled wife and mom that enjoys writing, praying, speaking at women
events and being an Area Coordinator with the ministry Moms In Prayer
International. |
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