eVotionals exhorts those who pray. It's the glass of water held out
around each month's turn for the runners who can use a quick and easy
quench in order to finish strong.
Approx. reading time: 10 minutes
Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and
darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was
hovering over the face of the waters."
A fictional story flavored with a beautiful truth...
"I am sending you out as my ambassadors, to color the world
with My breath of life!" With a great thunder The King spoke to His
colors. "Each of you have a color and a gift that will bring glory to
The Creator of all things." The colors were in awe as they saw the details that needed to be filled in. The King spoke again. "Rainbow will be in your heart as you go. Through Him the world will find the life I have for them. He will be revealed at His time." A buzz filled the room as ideas started to be shared.
"I'm all over that ocean!" Blue said, "It starts with the coloring of
the sky and a little bit of reflection...I can see it now." Yellow spun around with sparkles of light flinging every which way. Without missing a beat she said, "Oh, big
and beautiful Blue, can you just imagine that sky meeting up with the
stunning sun? I'm coloring the sun a vibrant shade, so bright that it
shouldn't be directly looked upon." With a swift swoosh she was at Green's side, "Isn't this great gorgeous, Green?" "It's fantastic,
Yellow." Green liked what her friends were saying, but Green couldn't
even start to talk about her ideas, she had so many it would blow
Yellow away and make Blue look boring. "Well my friends, I'm off to
make my plan, I'll see you on the earth's playing field!" Green started
out the door. On the way out Rainbow stopped Green, "The
King says that the world needs you and your perfect ideas. They are
many and your ideas will fill in most of the land and tons under the
sea. Your ideas will flourish Green, but remember this, when you are
ready call on your friends Blue and Yellow." Wow!
Green's heart raced at the King's words. The world needs her? She was
the perfect color for most of the land and even under the seas? That
was huge! To think that her green ideas would flourish! The privilege
and honor overwhelmed her. Green's smile glowed with purpose as she
exited the room. Sitting at her computer Green could see the
blank canvas of what she was to color out her window. The ideas
flooded her brain, she could hardly contain her excitement. She opened a
new document and titled it "Coloring the World Green."
Catching the ideas that just seemed to keep on coming, her fingers
struggled to keep up. The exact shade that grass would be compared to
the bushes and trees. The variation between palms, oaks and
evergreens. What would limes look like? How about kiwis? What kind of green would say that bananas weren't quite ripe yet? A message popped up on her screen. It was Blue. "I'm ready to take some action!" Green could not believe that Blue was ready to go. "The ocean and sky are so massive. Are you sure you have all the ideas you need?" She typed back.
"Oh yea, I don't need too many ideas to get started, Rainbow reminded
me to get going now and pace myself. The Color King gifted me with
steady strength along with perfect pacing. It's time to color blue." "Have fun!" typed Green. "Rainbow said the King wants me to check in with you and purple as I go along." Blue added, "He said that I'm a good helper." Green felt threatened. How on earth could Blue's simple-minded perspective be of any help? Green's ideas were intricate and precise! "I'm good," Green responded, "The King said that my ideas will flourish. Go color the world blue."
Blue was off. Green had barely touched the surface of how detailed
green would be. "Blue is a simple fellow," she thought, "he can color
the same shade for miles." Green thought about reptiles and
birds. She carefully noted what each creature would look like and the
various shades of green to be used. Another message popped up. It was Yellow. "Look out your window GF! Look at Blue go, <3 it!"
Green looked out and she could see the sky was coming alive along with
the ocean. The sight was breathtaking, as blue went forth so did
movement. The ocean started to engage with the King's breath, swirling
around as if it were dancing. "Wow!" It was all Green could type at the sight. "My ideas are done for now. IOW I'm waiting for you Green!" Yellow always confused Green. "What? Why are you waiting for me? If your ideas are done, why are you waiting at all? Look at Blue." "I know, right? LOL!
The Color King said that my patience partners perfectly with my timing.
SETE! I just need to wait for my friend's cues. Rainbow is the bomb,
He keeps reminding me of this. Oh... Red just messaged me!" Green could barely start to digest Yellow's whirlwind of words when she started up again. "IMFL, Red and I are meeting up with Orange
after I color the sun. Orange has a great idea about how we can all
color a sunset together. GMTA! So exciting. Wait a minute... Put on
your shades, gorgeous Green, I'm ready to color the stunning sun. H&K" Yellow was off.
Green felt like there was so much more to plan. She anticipated the
King's breath on all the world's green, but first things first. She
knew that the ideas had to be mapped out. It was fine for Yellow to
just stand around and wait until someone else had a plan, but Green
stayed focus and her fingers busy. Her notes were detailed and
massive. Soon she had volumes of notes, clearly stating what she needed
to color. With her ideas done and her plan complete Green
peeked out her window. The ocean's color peeked back with the sun's
beautiful reflection glistening on the water. Green realized that it
was probably a good thing Blue started early and Yellow was patient to
wait for the perfect moment to do her thing. It was looking
grand...but now Green was ready to add her mark, and what a mark it
would be. Green moved to the world's land. She stood still for
a moment. How did Blue and Yellow get started so naturally? The
ideas flowed, but she didn't seem to flow the same way as she stood on
the land. How would she make a difference? Green looked at Grass, Bush and Tree. They were still. Frozen and two-dimensional.
"Grass, Bush and Tree, would you like to come alive? Would you like to
feel the wind blow your limbs and your seeds become fertile? The King
created you for life!" She let them know her plan and they
seemed intrigued. Green made a few awkward movements but they did not
change. Nothing but silence. After a few ill attempts Grass,
Bush and Tree questioned Green, "You talk about green but we don't feel
it. Who is this King you speak of? We don't believe a single plan of
yours will work. This is the way we have always been and always will
be. Stop talking fantasy to us and let us be." "Please be
patient, what I tell you is true!" Green said. "You were not created
to stand still like this. I have seen the ocean come alive with
beautiful ripples and movement that would make you cry." Green opened her device with files of ideas. Desperately copying
and pasting, she tried to make her ideas come to life. As hard as she
tried, she just couldn't make anything happen. Maybe she didn't
calculate a key factor, she needed to get back to her computer. Green
hated to leave Grass, Bush and Tree there, colorless, but what choice
did she have? "I'll be back!" Green moved away from the world
and back to her window. She parted numbers into fractions, broke her
sentences into words and then words down into the simplest terms
possible without compromising any variation of perfection. Days passed and Green returned to Grass, Bush and Tree several times with masterpieces,
only to leave again knowing that her work did not change a
thing. Nothing she produced brought glory to the King. In fact, she
felt as if she had made the world worse. Each visit ended with Grass,
Bush and Tree's hearts increasingly hardening towards their Creator.
After a while Green became stumped and started to see herself as
useless. Blue had most of the world covered. He would stop now and
then to talk to Red and assist Purple. What a
great helper! Yellow kept popping up with her spirited color at the
perfect moments. All these amazing green ideas and nothing to show for
it. Time passed without a hint of green in the world. Day after day
she failed to go forward. Green's inability seemed to choke out
her passion. "The King said that my ideas would flourish," she
thought, "but my ideas are nothing if I can't color a thing." For the
umpteenth time she cleared the files on her device and returned to her
computer. "He said something else too." Rainbow spoke to her heart. "Remember His instruction." He did say something else, but what? Green's mood sank, what once made her heart race became a terrible burden.
One morning she took out her computer ready to just delete every file
on it. Green had let everyone down, Grass, Bush, Tree...her friends
and worst of all her King. Her finger hovered over the key that would erase every idea that held her captive. Green hesitated. "You
have focused your time and energy on what you're best at... creating
ideas. Do not push that key and neglect the gift you have, which was
given you by prophecy... Do not bury your talent in worthlessness,
give the ideas to your friends."
Rainbow's unexpected encouragement made Green's heart beat a bit faster.
Out her window Green noticed Brown. She had not seen Brown enter the
picture yet. Blue, Yellow and Orange were talking to Brown on the beach
next to some huge rocks. As Brown waved his hands and explained what
was on his mind the others listened intently. He maneuvered up and
down Rock, like he was giving instructions. Soon the colors were
enthusiastically engaged; stimulated to move once again. The sand
became creamy beige and tan, the trails and paths of the world came to
life with dark coffee and chestnut browns. Chocolate and vanilla tones
spread throughout the rocky mountains and into the deserts.
A message popped up on her screen. It was Blue. "Hello Green, I'm checking in to see if you need any help." Green did need help. She needed her pathetic life to have meaning. Her decaying ideas stood with one foot in the grave! Green's heart sank again at the thought of how far behind she had become.
Blue was the first one to start, seemed to be done and he was helping
others too. Maybe she spent too much time on ideas. Maybe she had
gone about this the wrong way. "Green, are you there?" Green slowly typed. "I'm here." "How's it going?" "Blue, I don't know how to say this but, my ideas stink. They are not working out."
She waited for Blue to tell her that she should have just jumped down
there when he did. Instead he messaged something different.
"The King said they would flourish, I bet they are perfect! Yellow and I
need some fresh ideas. Let's meet up and make yours happen!"
Oh no, not Yellow. She was always so chipper and patient. Green
didn't think she could handle Yellow's good attitude at a time like
this. Blue continued, "Meet us in the park!" He was gone. "Give them to your friends..."
Maybe Green did need to share her ideas with her friends like Brown
did. After all, gifts should not stop being gifts. If she deleted her
files then her gift would parish. Green synced up her device and
headed to the park.
Yellow had a huge bright smile. It did
lift Green's spirits a bit, but she didn't want to admit it. Blue
spoke up first. "Fill us in, Green." Green told
her friends how hard she had worked and how she was depressed that
nothing was getting done. Blue and Yellow listened to her ideas of
forest and jungle. She went on to talk about moss and how it was
different from dark moss. Green told them about olive, teal, and
mint. Artichoke and asparagus...fern and pine...just talking about them
made her heart race faster. Yellow almost gasped! "Green, you
are extremely gifted! I mean I excelled at ripe bananas but to think
that there is a color that says they are not ready for consumption. I would have never thought of that on my own. It's going to take an army of colors to make this all happen!"
Blue agreed, "I'm loving it. I had the sky and ocean under control but I
couldn't do anything about the algae and seaweed. Tell us what to
do." Green looked at her first document and renamed it,
"Coloring the World with my Friends." The three friends started with
Grass, Bush and Tree. Green spoke up, "Ladies and Gentleman, I needed to
remember The King's words when He had said to call on my friends. The
King will be glorified today!" With that Grass, Bush and Tree
began to change, color streamed through their bodies and their eyes
were opened. The King's cool breath moved them with a fresh freedom
they never knew could exist. Songs of praise rang out and they joined
the rest of the world in worshiping their creator. Green's
very soul rejoiced at the sight. Soon all of Greens ideas came to
life. Down to the tiniest detail, Blue and Yellow followed Green's
instructions perfectly. Yellow texted Black and White after
reading Green's color ideas for stones and marbles. To say that
Green's ideas flourished was too little of a statement. The entire
land along with portions of the sea were colored gorgeously green.
Green found herself working with Red and Brown at times as well. It
was not the isolated shades of green that completed Green's purpose; it
was her color, her gift added to her obedience that fulfilled her purpose for her King. At His time, Rainbow covered the world and sealed the work that had been done.
The King invited all His colors for a celebration. With a view of the
world the colors had a marvelous party. They laughed and shared
stories, reminisced and fist-bumped. The King smiled upon
His colorful creation. The King was glorified for His colors had
worked together to bring forth His life. |
iPray 4 Color...
that as you receive your calling that you will not be slothful in zeal
but be fervent in spirit as you serve the Lord. (From Romans 12:11) iPray... against the strongholds of pride, fear, and self-sufficiency...that
the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father sent, will teach you all
things and bring to your remembrance what He has said. (From John
14:26) iPray... you will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster as you listen to The Spirit. (From Proverbs 2:2) iPray... for an ear attentive to wisdom and a heart inclined to understanding. (From Proverbs 2:2) iPray...
against a spirit of neglect...that you will not neglect to meet
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all
the more as you see the Day drawing near. (From Hebrews 10:25) and
that you will not neglect the gift you have, which was given you...
(From 1 Timothy 4:14a) iPray...
as you have received a gift, that you will use it to serve one
another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. (From 1 Peter 4:10) iPray... that having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, you will use them. (From Romans 12:6) iPray...
you will color the world, according to who you are, with the talents
and gifts given to you, in obedience to God and in unity with others...
iPray you will color the world with The King's Glory! In Jesus Name iPray, Amen! ALL for Him, Michelle Fozounmayeh
Visit My Bolg
In This Issue
God Colored First |
iColor My Part |
iPray 4 Color |

Michelle Fozounmayeh
Michelle Fozounmayeh
joy filled wife and mom that enjoys writing, praying, speaking at women
events and being an Area Coordinator with the ministry Moms In Prayer
International. |
Yellow's Text Guide:
GF: Girl Friend
<3 it: Love it IOW: In Other Words
LOL: Laugh Out Loud
SETE: Smiling Ear To Ear
IMFL: I am falling in love
GMTA: Great Minds Think Alike
H&K: Hugs and Kisses
iPray Links:
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Jan. 2012 iPray link:
Feb. 2012 iPray link:
March 2012 iPray link:
April 2012 iPray link:
May 2012 iPray link:
June 2012 iPray link:
July 2012 iPray link:
August 2012 iPray link:
September 2012 iPray:
October 2012 iPray:
November 2012 iPray:
December 2012 iPray:
January 2013 iPray:
February 2013 iPray
March 2013 iPray:
April 2013 iPray:
May 2013 iPray:
Poem links:
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