Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Missy's Puppies

Reading time: Approximately 13 minutes

“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus...”
Sitting in the back seat of her family’s car, Missy wished it could go faster.  She couldn’t wait to get home and play with Ginger’s puppies.  Their family dog, Ginger, had given birth only a few short weeks ago to 6 lovable puppies.  Missy had watched the entire birthing process with her dad and her older sister Sherry.  Her brother Ralphy and sister Candy were too young and had to stay inside with their mom. Missy’s dad had said that she was old enough to see Ginger give birth.  I guess being in 3rd grade had it’s advantages.
As Sherry and her mom sat in the front seat chatting Missy felt her dad slow the car down.  “Dad, I think we have all red lights!”  Missy said as she watched yet another yellow light turn red.  Her dad just glanced back and smiled.  
Ralphy sat next to Missy slapping his knees as though they were bongo drums.   He started singing, “Missy misses... oh yea!  Missy misses the puppies!”  Candy sat next to him reading the church bulletin from that morning.  Without looking up she started humming along.  Missy quickly wondered how Candy could read it only being in kindergarden.
Amused by their song Missy remembered how she had watched the puppies being born.  She fell in love as each one arrived.  Ginger walked around between the 6 births.  Then she would lay down, push and out popped a small puppy.  Ginger quickly licked the sack off of each one and a little whine would start to emerge from the puppy’s mouth.  After a couple of hours all six were born and had crawled around to find a spot to nurse.  It gave Missy so much joy and excitement.  Every day all she could think about was waking up and checking on the puppies.  She watched as each day they grew bigger.  Slowly their eyes opened and they became stronger.  Missy would pick up each one and cuddle with it.  She would love on every single puppy, not one was left out.  As they started adventuring out of the dog house, she watched them walking as though they were on a rocking boat.  When missy came home from school each day the first thing she did was check on the puppies.  
Just yesterday their wobbly walks brought them all the way across the patio and onto the grass, tripping and stumbling as they went along.  They then laid out in the sun.  This morning Missy was concerned about how hot the day might be.  Her parents assured her they would be fine, “Ginger will not let them stay in the sun too long.” her mom had assured her.  Just to be sure, before they left for Church Missy gave each of them a nice cool bath and placed them inside the dog house.
Missy looked out her window and noticed they were at their last turn before their cult-a-sack.  As they turned she could see her house.  Yes!  They were home.  The car stopped and Missy dashed out eagerly waiting for the front door to be unlocked.  Her dad opened the door and she was the first one through it, skipping over to the back sliding glass door.  There they were, all laying in the grass sleeping in the sun.  Ginger was at the door whining.  She knew as soon as she called, all of them would look up and try to come to her as fast as they could.  Missy pushed open the glass and called for them.  None of them moved.  She ran over to the first sleeping pup to wake it up, sweeping it up into her hands.  Missy’s body tensed up and right away she knew something was wrong.  The puppy’s body was stiff!  It was as if she had picked up a piece of wood, the body didn’t move out of it’s sleeping position.  Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed ants crawling in and out of the puppy’s mouth.  She screamed and dropped the corps.  Missy screamed again as she looked out at the other puppies that laid just as still as the first.  Not reacting to anything.  
Shock ran through her body as Missy ran inside and yelled to her parents, “Something wrong with puppies!!!!”  Distraught set in and she became overwhelmed with emotion.  Her mom made her stay in the front room as she and her dad went to check.  All of Missy’s siblings watched what was happening, her wailing cries of terror could not be tamed. “Their dead!  How could they have died?”  She watched out the window as her dad picked each one up and placed it in a big garbage bag.  When her mom came in she asked if any of them were alive.  Her mom told her that all of them were dead!  
“Are you sure?  All of them?”
“I’m sure.”
They were fine that morning, but dead by the time they returned from church.  Why didn’t Ginger get them back into the dog house?  Did giving them a bath have anything to do with it?  Missy couldn’t comprehend the reality with any rational thoughts.  To think of the puppies becoming so hot that they couldn’t even move, so hot that their bodies just baked to death was overwhelming.  The reality was just too much to take in.  Missy  drowned her thoughts of being responsible for slow cooking Ginger’s puppies to death.  Her conclusions were wild.  Never again would she give puppies baths she thought.  Never again would she even think about taking care of any animal... she might make a mistake and kill them!  Missy’s thoughts haunted her, derailing all the passion she ever had in caring for God’s living creatures.  And it was the only thing that had given her purpose and joy.  Now it was gone!
Later that evening Missy’s dad comforted her by saying that the puppies probably didn’t feel a thing.  That they were enjoying the sun and didn’t even realize that their temperatures had slowly risen.  He told her that they had probably died while they were fast asleep.
As the next few weeks passed the puppies’ deaths was a hard reality of life to grasp.  If only she hadn't bathed the puppies that morning.  if only, if only.  She wished she could go back and change the morning.  But she couldn’t. Regret and loss is all she thought about.   
One morning Missy woke up and again had to stop herself from thinking she could run down and greet the puppies.  Slowly, she walked downstairs and noticed Ginger eating food from her food bowl.  “Maybe her dog might never want to have puppies again after such a loss.” Missy thought.  Did Ginger know that the baths Missy gave the puppies left them wet and vulnerable to the hot sun?  Did her dog know that Missy had killed them?  Ginger saw Missy and ran up to greet her.  
“I’m sorry Ginger.”
Ginger licked her hands as if she forgave her.  Instead of staying in her bed forever she was up eating and even greeted Missy with a forgiving wagging tail.  Missy sat on the bottom stair and pet Ginger.  They exchanged hello’s and good mornings as Missy felt grace come upon her.  As strong as ever she felt words come into her head.
“You didn’t know the danger.  Now you know.”  It was not an audible voice but Missy felt the urge to reason with it.
“But I killed them!”
More words came, “I give, I take away.”
As if talking to empty space Missy cried out, “But God, why did you let them die?”
Ginger looked up and placed her head on Missy’s lap.  Again words came, “Trust me Missy.  Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from your Father with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.  The puppies were a gift.  I need you to continue to love my creatures.  To be a truthful witness that saves lives.  I need you to help others see what I have shown you and will show you... so they can live.”
Missy could not fully understand the words that played in her head.  But for some reason she trusted them.  She did not want to see any more puppies innocently crawl out to their deaths.  If she could warn others about this danger she would!  She also realized that she had to stop meditating on all of her regrets concerning that morning.  After all, Ginger watched them bake in the sun.  The puppies she gave birth to, licked clean and nursed.  Ginger probably tried to get them up and move them back to safety but couldn’t get them back.  Even Ginger couldn’t stop what had happened.  And yet here she was ready to give and receive love again.
While moving forward with a hole in her heart, Missy realized that those adorable little puppies had served a purpose by being in her life.  Her dog Ginger seemed to have moved on as the spring came again and again.  In fact, Ginger went on to have several more litters in her lifetime.  Missy cared for each with the same love and devotion.  Regret and loss had not derailed her forever... only for a season.  Her passion for caring for pets flourished in the years ahead as she learned to train birds and dogs as well as care for cats and rats.  The puppies were not the only losses she was to experience in her lifetime.  Missy came to realize the gifts in remembering, reflecting, healing, getting up and moving on.  She came to realize what it meant to be a true witness, sharing what she learned with others.  These were muscles that God so graciously strengthened in her at a young age, knowing what was to come.  Knowing the plans He had for her.
Never did she forget the pack of puppies that she loved, the pack that had died so young.
You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

iPray 4 Purity

iPray eVotionals

The gun sounds as the race begins. iPray eVotionals exhorts the runners on the path of a prayerful lifestyle.  It's the glass of water held out around each month's turn.  It's for the runner who can use a quick and easy quench in order to finish strong.  

(Approximate reading time: 5 Minutes)

This month iPray is motivated by the prayer ministry of Moms in Prayer and their new "watchword" for the coming 2012/2013 school year.  

That word is Purity!

"Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God" Matthew 5:8

 iPray 4 Purity

18 years ago I met my would-be sister-in-law.  She had a dachshund named Roxy and I remember that she only gave Roxy bottled water which left quite an impression on me.  "What?"  I thought with an inner smirk, "Why would it matter what kind of water a dog drinks?"  I loved my pets, but I didn't think twice about filling their water dishes from the tap.

This past spring break my little sister asked me to dog-sit for her.  She instructed me to use filtered water in their water dish.  18 years later my reaction was the same.  Again I made an inner smirk at the idea.  But this time my sister caught it.  I was kindly informed that their eye-gook was worse off when they drank tap water.  

Now there's a thought and I couldn't smirk at it.  Impure digested contaminants actually reeks havoc.  Funny how tap water looks just like filtered water.  Put them side by side and even Einstein couldn't visually tell you the difference between the two.  And yet, one increases eye-gook and the other reduces it.  It's not until the tap water is digested and runs its course through the body that the ill effects are noticed.

For the most part I'm a filtered-water drinker.  I've never thought about the ill effects that tap might have on a body, I just don't care for the taste of it.  If I'm really thirsty and come across a water fountain I put the taste aside because after all, the fountain is right there and my thirst needs to be quenched.  My liver and kidneys will do their thing.  But maybe... just maybe, it matters what kind of water quiches my thirst.  Maybe it matters what watering hole I drink from.  A dog has a liver and kidneys and yet... eye-gook!  The tap may not give me excessive eye-gook but maybe my sweat is a little more stinky.  Maybe my hair is not quite as shiny.  Maybe my breath is a bit...breathy.  Maybe it is wise to purify all my drinking water.  Maybe it is even wiser to pass on tap.

Maybe when I get thirsty, I need to pray!

iNeed 2 Pray...

"What?"  You may be thinking with a smirk, "What does praying have to do with anything?"  Stick with me here and I'll kindly inform.

Our heart-gook is worse-off when we drink from the tap.  Matthew 5:8 tells us, "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God."  Purity is the absence of impurity or contaminants in a substance.  The term also applies to the absence of vice (a fault, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad/immoral habit ) in human character.  It's nice to have shiny hair, but it's nicer to sport kindness.  Sweat that doesn't stink quite as much may be somewhat desirable, but an attitude that doesn't stink at all is absolutely desirable.  Breathy breath annoys, but a lying tongue destroys.  Are you with me here?

First, we need The Filter.  Brita helps purify our drinking water, but where's the filter that helps purify our heart?  The filtering carbons of God's Word, Jesus' Blood and The Holly Spirit's guidance is what is needed to reduce heart-gook.  Why God's Word?  Psalm 12:6 says, "And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times."  Why Jesus' Blood?  Hebrews 13:11-12 reminds us of the sacrifice that was needed for purification, "The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp.  And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood."   Why The Holly Spirit's' guidance?  Jesus tells us in John 14:25-26, "These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.  But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."

Second, we need to filter our water.  Once we have the filter, we use it by being sanctified.  Sanctification is the filtering process of being made Holy through the truth in God's Word (aka The Bible), with the blood and by the Spirit.  When my sister told me to use filtered water for her dogs, that meant I needed to make sure my fridge's filtering carbon's were not expired.  Daily devotionals and memorizing scripture keeps the filters working and changes what we take in throughout the day.  Don't have a resource?  Google "Daily Devotionals" or "Daily Scriptures" to keep the carbons A-ok.

Third, we need to drink the filtered water.  This is where prayer enters and makes all the difference!  Once we have the purifying process, prayer helps digest everything directly effecting the heart behind what comes out.   Living with a pure heart doesn't come by drinking from the tap.  Jesus made this point when he said, "Anyone who believes in me may come and drink!  For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'" John 7:38

How iPray 4 Purity

An angry person I know makes a jab...
Tap thoughts: "@!#$&*@#  YOU!"
Filtered thoughts: "Oh Lord, please help me not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good.  It's your job to avenge and goodness will heap burning coals on this person's head."  (From Romans 12:18-21)

A negative person I know is complaining...
Tap thoughts:  "This bothers me too!  I'll just complain, bash and relish in negative thoughts.  It may not bring any good, but makes me feel like my thirst is being quenched."
Filtered thoughts:  "Oh Lord, help me not focus on what brings me down, but to think about the things you want me to.  Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, what is excellent or praiseworthy.  Besides I don't want to be the kind of friend that helps destroy each other."  (From Philippians 4:8 and Proverbs 18:24)

A moment where a little white lie would give me an advantage...
Tap thoughts: "If I don't include all the information then it's not a lie.  What would it hurt?  I can control reality if I want to.  It's better that I cover my butt then come clean."
Filtered thoughts:  "Lord, you know it would be so much easier for me to lie right now.  But truthful lips endure forever and a lying tongue lasts only a moment.  Plus you hate a lying tongue and a false witness who pours out lies.  How can people trust what I say about you if I am a liar?  Give me the strength to be honest right now."  (From Proverbs 6:16-19 and Proverbs 12:19)

Heart Purification

Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water.  And the goal is to produce water fit for a specific purpose.

Then I say Heart purification is the sanctifying process of removing undesirable characteristics, worldly contaminants, suspended sins and fleshly desires from contaminated hearts.  And the goal is to produce holiness set aside for a specific God-given purpose.

Remember, two very different glasses of water can look the same on the outside.  But what comes from drinking up one as appose to the other is very different.  James, one of Jesus' disciples, puts it this way, "Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers and sisters, this should not be.  Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?"  James 3:10-11  iPray that you will recognize The One and Only Heart-filter, that you will be sanctified and you will pray continually as you go along.  Being purified is not a onetime thing, it is a continual process.  Don't let 18 years go by before the eye-gook causes you to realize that the tap is not a wise watering hole.  And iPray for you now...

Dear Lord,
iPray 4 Purity!  That each of us will long for purity in our hearts.  Also in our bodies, minds and spirits.  iPray that our heart-gook will continue to decrease as we make strong choices to digest Your ways and abandon the tap.  Humble our smirks.  May it matter to us what kind of water quenches our thirst.  "And as we purify ourselves by obeying the truth so that we have sincere love for our brothers and sisters, iPray that we love one another deeply, from the heart." (From 1 Peter 1:22)
In Jesus Name, A-man!

All for HIM,

iPray eVotionals